Events and Entertainment
Artist D.Will Present at 2024 ArtPrize.
Join D.Will at ArtPrize 2024!
I'm thrilled to announce the debut of my latest painting, "That Old Candy Taste," featured in this year’s ArtPrize event in Grand Rapids, Michigan! You can find it at Küsterer Brauhaus, a traditional Munich Bierhall, located at 642 Bridge St. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504.
This painting is part of my whimsical Candy Collection, which brings a burst of vibrant colors and playful figures to life. In "That Old Candy Taste," balloon-like characters dance in harmonious motion, intertwining with one another in a delightful display of nostalgia. Using mixed mediums, I’ve crafted these figures to embody the playful, candy-like texture that has become a hallmark of this series.
Stop by Küsterer Brauhaus during ArtPrize to experience the charm and sweetness of this new piece!
Event Dates: September 13-28 Location: Küsterer Brauhaus, 642 Bridge St. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Featured Artwork: "That Old Candy Taste"
Link to Küsterer Brauhaus: https://www.facebook.com/GRBrauhaus/
Link: to the Facebook event page join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/862120025581967/

Artist D.Will Present at 2023 ArtPrize.
I will be showcasing my captivating and dynamic multimedia skyline painting at this year's ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, MI.
The venue will be open from Monday to Saturday, 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM for business hours (Art Prize showing will be from Monday to Saturday 7-8pm and Sunday from 12-6pm), providing ample time for art enthusiasts to appreciate my artwork.
Not just a venue for my ArtPrize exhibition but also a vibrant and welcoming healthy shake bar. As you step into our beautiful location, you'll be greeted by an upbeat and friendly atmosphere. Our menu boasts a variety of health shakes, energizing teas, and protein coffee options, providing nourishing and delicious choices for all. Whether you're looking for a post-workout boost or a refreshing treat, Downtown Nutrition has something to satisfy your cravings while promoting a healthy lifestyle. Don't miss the chance to explore the synergy between art and wellness at our unique space during ArtPrize.
My painting is a mesmerizing blend of colors, textures, and forms, capturing the essence and beauty of cityscapes. It is a multi-medium skyline piece that combines various artistic techniques and mediums to showcase the vibrant energy and architectural wonders of urban landscapes.
However, it's important to note that my presence at the event is contingent upon successfully raising enough funds to cover expenses. I am doing my best to secure the necessary financial support, and if successful, I will be attending the event in person. Your support will play a vital role in making that possible, and I am incredibly grateful for any contributions towards this endeavor. Feel free to donate to the cause on my donate page.
Link: to the Facebook event page join us: https://www.facebook.com/events/649276257074215/
Link: to the Facebook for DownTown Nutrition: https://www.facebook.com/downtownnutritiongr/

D.Will Featuring at the Sugarhouse Art Walk February Show
Art Walk
Friday February 10th
I will have up to 30 paintings up for display. This will be a permanent location for an undetermined period. Paintings will increase, change as I sell work from the location. 20% of sales go toward the support of: Cameron Wellness and Spa

D.Will Featuring at the Sugarhouse Art Walk December Show
Art Walk
Friday December 9th
I will have up to 30 paintings up for display. This will be a permanent location for an undetermined period. Paintings will increase, change as I sell work from the location. 20% of sales go toward the support of: Cameron Wellness and Spa

D.Will Featuring at the Sugarhouse Art Walk November Show
Art Walk
Friday November 11th
I will have up to 30 paintings up for display. This will be a permanent location for an undetermined period. Paintings will increase, change as I sell work from the location. 20% of sales go toward the support of: Cameron Wellness and Spa

Artist D.Will World of Trees (Online Event)
Update to this event. Moved for July.
Please join the facebook event page to stay up-to-date here
I will preforms an online live event to show and possible a BBQ for those who are invited to come to my establishment to see in person, what is hanging at my house. You will be able to see what is for sale before selling starts on Sunday. Part two will be on Sunday, I will be holding live auction for some items.
Both days for the live events will start at 2pm each day going on and off throughout the day.
For this show, I am focusing on trees. Different style and ideas I have locked in drawings over the years.
There will be other merchandise for sale and will be advertised on the live event.
I will also discuss my effort to join the NFT community. Explaining what they are and how you can get involved. I'm selling images of my work for you to use however you like and GIF of many of my tree painting in live action.
The event will have breaks and rest moments as I will be doing this by myself. Thank you all for your support.
Join my FaceBook page to see what I’m working on from now on by clicking the Facebook logo on my website or by clicking HERE

Urban Art Fest (Featuring Darnel Williams)
I will be featuring my work at this years Urban Art Fest. This is pretty short notice, but I just found out myself. I hope you can all make it. Any work sold will be going to the Gallery and keeping it open and helping me find new artist to support. To see more of my work and what canvas print could be for sale go to my website: https://www.anucompany.com/ownersgallery

“Anu Beginning”: Grand Re-Opening of Anu Galleria
Opening Reception July 24th 2021
Time: 5pm to 10pm.
Food and Drinks will be served.
Mask may be required .
2020 proved to be a challenging year for all small business owners and fellow artists alike. Our gallery had only been opened for one year when the pandemic hit. As this was not considered an essential business, we did not risk safety and thus not able to keep our doors open to the public. While this did have a financial impact, nothing stopped our artists from creating, nor the business to fold, we kept on working to create beautiful handmade art and an online space for you to browse and purchase items for your home or business space.
The Plan:
AnuCompany is striving to reopen the doors to the public. The recent news of vaccines for all has us excited to continue the hard work to make this happen. We continue to look for handmade artwork from local and other artists around the United States to display at our gallery. You are welcome to contact us on this page, Facebook or via email if you have handmade art you would like to bring to the gallery. Our target date to open the doors is July 1, 2021. Please stay tuned, subscribe for updates and watch for social media posts with information. We hope you will join us in celebrating each Artist!
We NEED your help:
This Fundraiser was created to help my small Galleria "Anu" open our doors successfully to the public with enough funds to cover some cost. With the financial setback due to the pandemic, your help is needed! We invite you to help the Gallery, the artists and all the other soon to be hand creator so we can continue hosting and participating in events that spread the word of artistic creativity from new and seasoned artist in Salt Lake City.
The goal: To raise overhead cost of the location for one year. This will allow my to spend my fund on promoting and finding buyers for the store merchandise. This is all in an effort to become something bigger. Check out our website for more information on our dream.
Overhead cost I currently had to pay out of pocket last year to keep my business available. The business was closed so no income could be made.
What I'm I asking for? Rent: $500 a month Electric:
Average $60-$140 month
Gas: Average $30-100
Internet: (to run everything) $80 a month.
License for the year: $390
Round up for anything I may have miss like fees to maintain. That $10,300 to pay form July to July of 2022. I we surpass this goal we will continue to use the funds to pay off current debt gained during the pandemic to keep it running while closed. Such as current CC debt. To donate please go to this page HERE. Thank you.
Artist and owner Darnel Williams (Click here to view his work), will be showing off his latest works along with a piece that he will be submitting into one of the world largest art competitions: Art Prize of 2021. Darnel has participated in the contest will be showing off his latest works along with a piece that he will Please visit Art Prize by clicking here for more information.

Artwork by: Victoria Duff
Artwork by: Victoria Duff
Opening Reception: October12th , 2019.
Closing Reception: October 31th , 2019
Posted by: AnuCompany on July 13, 2019
My art is centralized around people. These characters I’ve created come with their own personalities, emotions, and stories that I hope to convey through their color filled expressions. My heavy handed, chaotic, hyperbolic style began as a self-indulgent way to express myself. With the works I create now, I just people to be able to see one of my pieces and feel something in response.
The show will consist of prints of the featured artist work, in an effort to make them affordable. These prints will be available for different sizes, for order. I will post the images on this event at time of the show, with comments on size and price.
Snacks will be served.
Kid Friendly

Artwork by: Betsy Usher
Artwork by: Betsy Usher
Opening Reception: September 7, 2019
Closing Reception: September 30, , 2019
Posted by: AnuCompany on August 13, 2019
Betsy Usher is a mixed media/abstract artist from Fort Collins Colorado. She has been creating art for nearly a decade using stacked textures and inspired from industrial and metal materials. Usher creates dynamic layered works of art in the categories of steampunk, industrial, abstract, and collage. She finds inspiration from repurposed materials and creates unique and complex works of art.

Artwork by Gerald Roulette
Artwork by Gerald Roulette
Opening Reception: August 10th , 2019.
Closing Reception: August 31th , 2019
Posted by: AnuCompany on July 13, 2019
Gerald Roulette is an internationally exhibited and award winning artist who studied under Dr. William Unger and Oscar Kokoshka in Strasbourg, Austria. After earning his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Truman State in Missouri, he played football in the NFL for two years. He has lectured extensively at Universities and Colleges and taught high school art for 19 years in Texas. Now living in Portland, he has an active exhibition schedule at numerous galleries on both the East and West coasts.
Artist Statement
Gerald A Roulette
Art is my way of capturing life. My sketchbook is a diary. Colors are feelings, and each stroke is an experience. As an accomplished award winning artist, I have exhibited across the US and internationally in one man shows, group shows, and private collections. In my art I recreate beauty that catches my eye - a models elegant figure, an emotional face, my surroundings, life's travels, and subjects that have meaning to me. Through my painting and drawing I manipulate and record the chaotic, yet unique emotions that only spark very briefly.
Kid Friendly
Drinks and Snacks will be served.
Artwork from over 20 artist will also be on display and sale.

2017 Fringe Festival
July 28 - August 6
The Great Salt Lake Fringe is a multi-day performing arts festival in the heart of Sugar House, where artists from Salt Lake City and beyond come together to tell their stories.
I will be displaying Artwork at the event at their main lobby areas heading down stairs. Some artwork will be for sell. Those that are not for sale can be for sale at the right price. Money used will be saved to help me open my studio/storfront/gallery.
Fringe Locations
All of my work will be displayed at this location:
The Fringe Factory
2234 Highland Drive
Other Artwork will be displayed at this locations:
Westminster College Jewett Center for the Performing Arts
1200 East 1700 South
Sprague Library (Kids Fringe)
2131 South 1100 East

Sugar House Art Walk
I will have work up for sale and display at this location. They have a seasonal art walk that you should get involved with.

Artwork by: Julie AngelaTheresa
Artwork by Julie AngelaTheresa
Opening Reception: June 08th , 2019.
Closing Reception: June 29th , 2019
AnuCompany on May 31st, 2019
Artist Statement:
Years ago I bought and moved into the house my Grandparents use to live in. The garage and basement were still filled with some of their things. It had been decades since either of them lived there, and in that time my mother had rented out the house to various people, but I was still able to find my grandparents possessions after all of those years. It was a very special house for me.
My first memories were from inside that house. I remember when I was about 7 or 8 months old and my mother and I were visiting my grandmother. We were in the living room and my grandmother left briefly and returned with a pink Pampers box full of toys. I remember crawling in and emptying all of the toys out. Years later after my grandparents were gone I remember playing with some of those same toys during a bath. I must have been about 6 or 7, and still clearly remember the same yellow duck and purple star from the Pampers box and the tub. How different would my memories be if those toys were thrown away when my grandmother died?
Since moving into the house, I have discovered some treasures. I found rusty old objects that look like they have been used year after year. There was a wheel barrel in the back yard and a handmade chain that were covered in rust, but how many stories did they hold? These objects are bridges to our past.
Nowadays most objects are routinely used, abused, and discarded. In today’s disposable society, where everything is old 5 minutes after you buy it, and the 3 R’s of reading, writing and arithmetic have been replaced with reduce, reuse and recycle, everything is used once and either thrown into a trash can or recycling bin. Nothing is ever held onto, and appreciated. My newest paintings were made with a hope that (among other things) people will begin to see the beauty in the old and discarded.
Objects are presented either alone on a canvas or showing a magnification of a small corner of life. In some you see a lone rusty bucket, or a crumpled piece of paper, or a tossed aside thumb tact. In others you see a broken concrete floor littered with trash, or an old scratched and stained wood flooring meeting crumbling concrete flooring, or a crumbling brick wall.
They all have one thing in common, though – the perspective. A straight-on close-up view – either looking straight down, or out. They are singular objects, seen head on, from a one point perspective. There is no far off background, no foreground, nothing to distract you, the viewer, from the object. The space around the object is bright and flat, to contrast the rust, dirt, and grime depicted on the object. There is nowhere else to look and the viewer is forced to see what I want them to. It is just one perspective, a flat surface. I feel that this forces the observer to concentrate on the subject matter, and only the subject matter. To not get bogged down with multiple perspectives, angles, horizon lines, or anything else that could get in the way. This also ensures that the focus of the painting will be on the object, the joining together of the two pieces, or the merging of surfaces, nothing else.

Artwork of: Lynette Nichols
Artist Statement:
Born in Utah, with an unbridled passion for adventure and a consuming love for the natural world, I was encouraged to follow my heart and my dreams. Through this journey, my life has been enriched by family, friends
and a native culture that shaped and molded who I am today. Now after twenty years on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, my life has come full circle back to Utah. Through the encouragement of others, a new chapter begins.
Life experiences are the inspiration behind my awakening, a small expression of who I am.
“what once lay dormant….now inspired to surface….from heart to pen to paper …experiences embraced, deeply embedded…a token of what lies hidden within…a part of me…a gift to you…” Lynette Nichols
My artwork is a collection of original ink designs done completely free hand, without the aid of a pencil, ruler or compass. The detail of my work is a blend of patterns and shapes, influenced by various native cultures and a deep bond with the natural world. I am new to the art world, only discovering this passion for drawing within the last few years. It is my desire, that through my artwork, I am able to share my personal expression of the intricate beauty of nature; if only to convey a new perspective of this amazing world we live in.
Thank you,
Lynette Nichols
More art from other artist as well at prices you can afford.
Food and Drinks will be provided.
Kid friendly event
Affordable art, hand made from the artist from other artist for sale

Rose Park Community Festival
Rose Park Community Festival
May 18th , 2019 10am to 4pm.AnuCompany on May 10th, 2019
The event will be on Saturday, May 10, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Rose Park Elementary School, 1105 West 1000 North. Thousands of residents came together in 2018 to celebrate their unity through food, entertainment, safety displays, and various vendors

2019 Mental Health Awareness Art Contest
2019 Mental Health Awareness Art Contest
Showing and Voting of artwork start: May 4 thru May 24th
Opening Reception: May 25th , 2019.
Posted by: AnuCompany on January 22, 2019

Artwork by Robert Frankel
Artist Statement:
I like to notice things: patterns of cracks on the street, colors of sprinkles scattered across the white icing on a doughnut, the texture of peeling bark. I try to use my brush to capture tension between patterns, colors, and textures. If I am successful , those who view my work will feel the same joy I feel
when creating .
I am a self-taught artist and have been involved over 20 years in painting and wood sculpting.
My work is abstract and often features bright colors and unusual shapes and textures.
Some of my influences include Jean Dubuffet, Roberto Marx, and Simeon Braguin.
There will be free refreshments
Free event
Children Friendly

Art Not Scars #11
Art Not Scars: Art Session #11
January 12th , 2019.
Posted by: AnuCompany on December 29, 2018

Open House Nights
Open House
—December 18, 2019 Open House:
Open House
—November 20, 2019 Open House:
Open House
—October 16, 2019 Open House:
Open House
—September 18, 2019 Open House:
Open House
—August 21, 2019Open House:
Open House
—March 20, 2019 Open House:
Open House
—February 20, 2019 Open House:

2019 Anu 12 Reception Showings
All Retail Times during the show: Open from 11am-4pm
Reception hours: at 5pm-8pm
Artwork by: Victoria Duff
Opening Reception: October12th , 2019.
Closing Reception: October 31th , 2019
AnuCompany on July 13, 2019
Artwork by: Betsy Usher
Opening Reception: September 07th , 2019.
Closing Reception: Septembe 30th , 2019
AnuCompany on July 13, 2019
Artwork by: Gerald Roulette
Opening Reception: August 10th , 2019.
Closing Reception: August 31th , 2019
AnuCompany on July 13, 2019
Artwork by Julie AngelaTheresa
Opening Reception: June 08th , 2019.
Closing Reception: June 29th , 2019
AnuCompany on May 31th, 2019
Artwork by Lynette Nichols
Opening Reception: May 11th , 2019.
Closing Reception: May 31th , 2019
AnuCompany on April 19th, 2019
Artwork by Robert Frankel
Opening Reception: April 13th , 2019.
Closing Reception: April 30th , 2019
AnuCompany on February 22, 2019
Artwork by Ruchi Soni
Opening Reception: March 9th , 2019.
Closing Reception: March 30th , 2019
AnuCompany on January 22, 2019
Artwork by Konnie Chamberlain
Opening Receptiong: January 12th, 2019.
Closing Reception January 31th, 2019.
AnuCompany on December 29, 2018

Art Season 1: Holiday Cards
Holiday Cards Open House
December 19, 2018.
Open House: Featuring Holiday cards
Posted by: AnuCompany on December 2, 2018
Come join us as we create Holiday Greeting cards that will be on display and for sale at the Open House December 19th. Just in time to create a thoughtful and hand made Holiday Greetings of your choice. We will have some supplies, feel free to bring your own. You will want to bring a pack of cards or card-stock paper to make cads with.
The event is free. Space is very limited. looking to have no more than 12 people.

Artwork by: Kerney Bee
Artwork by Kerney Bee
Opening Receptions November 10, 2018.
Closing Reception November 30, 2018.
AnuCompany on October 14, 2018

Closing Art Reception of D.Will
Closing Reception of Artist D.Will
September 22, 2018.
AnuCompany on August 7, 2018
We hope you enjoyed our Grand Opening and Artist Reception at Anu. As promised, each artist will get an opening and closing reception to show off their work. We are expecting more artist to be on the list, hoping to get the location full of work for you to view and help support.
There will be new work showing from D.Will at the closing event.
There will be free appetizers and non alcoholic drinks.

Grand Opening of Anu Galleria
Grand Opening of Anu Galleria
August 4, 2018.
We will have 10 artist for this event. Artist will grow as we prepare the Closing Reception.
There will be a gallery show of Artist D.Will Check out his work at: https://www.anucompany.com/ownersgallery
If you would like to donate to helping making sure our Grand Opening takes off with success, please read the description on our GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/anucompanythe-galleria039s-final.
There will be free appetizers and non alcoholic drinks.

2016 Art Prize
ArtPrize® is a radically open, independently organized international art competition and a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
ArtPrize is recognized as the most-attended public art event on the planet according to The Art Newspaper, and was recently highlighted in The New York Times’ 52 Places To Go in 2016.
For 19 days in the early fall, around 400,000 attendees descend upon three square miles of downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan where anyone can find a voice in the conversation about what is art and why it matters. Art from around the world pops up in every inch of downtown in over 160 venues—museums, galleries, bars, restaurants, theaters, hotels, public parks, lobbies, buildings, walls, bridges, laundromats, and uto body shops—and it’s all free and open to the public.
It’s unorthodox, highly disruptive, and undeniably intriguing to the art world and the public alike.
ArtPrize Eight will take place September 21 – October 9, 2016

2016 Fringe Festival
July 29 - August 7
The Great Salt Lake Fringe is a multi-day performing arts festival in the heart of Sugar House, where artists from Salt Lake City and beyond come together to tell their stories.
I will be displaying Artwork throughout the event at their main lobby areas. Some artwork will be for sell. One artwork will be on display showing people what I am entring in the upcomming contest "ArtPrize" the largest art compation in the world, in Grand Rapids Michigan.
Fringe Locations
All of my work will be displayed at this location:
Westminster College Jewett Center for the Performing Arts
1200 East 1700 South
Other Artwork will be displayed at this locations:
The Fringe Factory
2234 Highland Drive
Sprague Library (Kids Fringe)
2131 South 1100 East