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“Anu Beginning”: Grand Re-Opening of Anu Galleria

  • AnuCompany 2285 S MAIN STREET SOUTH SALT LAKE (map)

Opening Reception July 24th 2021

Time: 5pm to 10pm.

Food and Drinks will be served.

Mask may be required .

2020 proved to be a challenging year for all small business owners and fellow artists alike. Our gallery had only been opened for one year when the pandemic hit. As this was not considered an essential business, we did not risk safety and thus not able to keep our doors open to the public. While this did have a financial impact, nothing stopped our artists from creating, nor the business to fold, we kept on working to create beautiful handmade art and an online space for you to browse and purchase items for your home or business space.

The Plan:

AnuCompany is striving to reopen the doors to the public. The recent news of vaccines for all has us excited to continue the hard work to make this happen. We continue to look for handmade artwork from local and other artists around the United States to display at our gallery. You are welcome to contact us on this page, Facebook or via email if you have handmade art you would like to bring to the gallery. Our target date to open the doors is July 1, 2021. Please stay tuned, subscribe for updates and watch for social media posts with information. We hope you will join us in celebrating each Artist!

We NEED your help:

This Fundraiser was created to help my small Galleria "Anu" open our doors successfully to the public with enough funds to cover some cost. With the financial setback due to the pandemic, your help is needed! We invite you to help the Gallery, the artists and all the other soon to be hand creator so we can continue hosting and participating in events that spread the word of artistic creativity from new and seasoned artist in Salt Lake City.

The goal: To raise overhead cost of the location for one year. This will allow my to spend my fund on promoting and finding buyers for the store merchandise. This is all in an effort to become something bigger. Check out our website for more information on our dream.

Overhead cost I currently had to pay out of pocket last year to keep my business available. The business was closed so no income could be made.

What I'm I asking for? Rent: $500 a month Electric:

Average $60-$140 month

Gas: Average $30-100

Internet: (to run everything) $80 a month.

License for the year: $390

Round up for anything I may have miss like fees to maintain. That $10,300 to pay form July to July of 2022. I we surpass this goal we will continue to use the funds to pay off current debt gained during the pandemic to keep it running while closed. Such as current CC debt. To donate please go to this page HERE. Thank you.

Artist and owner Darnel Williams (Click here to view his work), will be showing off his latest works along with a piece that he will be submitting into one of the world largest art competitions: Art Prize of 2021. Darnel has participated in the contest will be showing off his latest works along with a piece that he will Please visit Art Prize by clicking here for more information.

October 12

Artwork by: Victoria Duff

September 3

Urban Art Fest (Featuring Darnel Williams)