Creating your Style
It is important to remember that you are not truly unique. Someone, somewhere has a style that is similar to yours. That style can be your ideas, colors, or applications. What you need to remember is that, although not unique, it is always different. Take a look at what you are currently creating and ask these important questions:
What makes your art different for you?
Have others mentioned something about your art that stuck in your mind?
Can you see this difference in all of your art or just some of it?
Did that difference sell the work faster?
Create work from within.
Try to focus on those key points and see if you can bring that subject matter forward and work on making it your own.
Example: 1
When you have an idea in mind think about how that idea is seen to others.
I create artwork that have “people or creatures” dancing and singing. My audience is people who like music and going out to nightclubs.
Example: 2
Having more than one audience is good for you.
Not only do I create artwork that focuses on the idea of music, but I also create artwork that have three dimensional forms coated in high gloss, such as my city landscapes.
Example: 3
I like using a large variety of color in my work.
Once you have mastered the use of colors, try to create items that will draw the eye. I often say, “I can put pick and brown together and make it look good.” Try to make sure you have the right color (if needed) for the idea. If your project lacks the need for colors, then use things like shadows, shape and texture, to get your view across.
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